Please contact Torri Jacobs at for the Zoom Meeting link or check the Parkers Chapel Trojan Athletics Facebook page.
Practices: (screening and mask required) Athletes will only wear mask when not engaged in activity. There will be a 15 minute break for cleaning between each group. All athletes must leave the MAC while cleaning takes place.
All practices are mandatory! Monday, June 8th: 4:30-5:30 Sr High 5:45-6:45 Jr High Tuesday, June 9th: 4:30-5:30 Sr High 5:45-6:45 Jr High Wednesday, June 10th: 4:30-6:00 Sr High 6:15-7:45 Jr High
Tryouts will be Thursday, June 11th beginning with Sr High at 3:30 and Jr High following.
More details regarding the directives from the Arkansas Department of Health that we will be following and tryout information will be discussed on the Parent Zoom.
All 6th grade student athletes & those who did not have a physical last year, MUST have a completed physical to turn in before the scheduled practice on 6/8.