Be Pro, Be Proud Organization will be on our high school campus on Tuesday, February 4th. Be Pro, Be Proud is here to educate students and help change perceptions of skilled technical professions and to help lead students toward pathways for STEM and skilled careers. On this day, the parking lot in front of the high school will be closed off. Parents will need to drop off their students by using the drop off lane in the high school student parking lot or in the elementary drop off lane on that day.
2 days ago, Amanda Malone
Parkers Chapel School District will release Feb. 13th, at 1:30 for a Winter Break. There will be no school on Friday, Feb. 14th and no school on Monday, Feb. 17th (Presidents' Day). School will resume our normal schedule on Tuesday, Feb. 18th. Preschool Pick-Up time will be 12:30-12:50 on the 13th; Elementary Car Line will load from 1:00-1:20; and Buses will run at 1:30. VALENTINE'S DAY DELIVERIES: All deliveries must be made on the 13th before 10:30 A.M. Elementary deliveries (Prek - 4th grade) should be dropped off at the auditorium lobby. High School and Middle School deliveries (5th - 12th grades) are to be dropped off at the High School Office.
2 days ago, Carrie Burson
PCSD: The Lunch menu for Tuesday and Wednesday will be swapped this week. Lunch on Tuesday will be Bayou Butter Basted Chicken and on Wednesday it will be Beef Vegetable Soup.
2 days ago, Amanda Malone
A message from Mrs. Young
8 days ago, Amanda Malone
Thank You - Mrs. Young
Our competition cheer team will be competing at the State Cheer Competition this Saturday, December 21st in Hot Springs. Tickets are available at GO TROJANS!
about 2 months ago, Amanda Malone
PC Cheer
Parkers Chapel School District will be on Christmas Break December 23rd - January 3rd. School will resume on Monday, January 6th.
about 2 months ago, Amanda Malone
Christmas Break
PCSD 7th - 12th Parents/Guardians: This is just a reminder that there will be a parent/guardian soccer meeting for any student in 7th - 12th grade who is interested in playing soccer. The meeting will be at 6 pm in the auditorium tonight (December 12th)
about 2 months ago, Amanda Malone
PCHS Parents/Guardians: There will not be a second chance breakfast tomorrow, December 11th. The cafeteria will serve breakfast before school.
about 2 months ago, Amanda Malone
PCSD: This is a reminder that Thanksgiving Break is November 25th - November 29th. School will dismiss at 1:30 on Friday, November 22nd. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
3 months ago, Amanda Malone
Thanksgiving Break
This is just a reminder that Annual Screenings will be held on Wednesday, October 30, 2024. For more information, see the attached information that was sent home:
3 months ago, Amanda Malone
The Parkers Chapel Junior Class Chili Supper/Bingo will be on Saturday, January 11, 2025.
3 months ago, Amanda Malone
Chili Supper Flyer
Red Ribbon Week is next week! Here are the Dress Up Days for Middle School and High School! Elementary will participate on Wednesday.
4 months ago, Amanda Malone
Red Ribbon Week
5th - 12th Grade Parents/Guardians: Reminder...Parent/Teacher Conferences are today from 1:45 - 6:00 pm. Paper copies of Report Cards will be at the main entrance to the High School. Please enter there and get your student's report card before going to visit teachers.
4 months ago, Amanda Malone
2024 Homecoming Dress Up Days!!
5 months ago, Amanda Malone
Homecoming Dress up Days
Yearbooks are here! 2024 THE GREATEST goes home this Friday! Graduates can pick theirs up in the High school Office starting Friday. Extras available to purchase in the High School or Elementary office starting Friday for $55 each (All checks can be made to “PC Activity”)
6 months ago, Amanda Malone
The Greatest
PCHS Reminder: Any student in grades 9-12 enrolled in Pre-AP or AP English classes, your summer work is DUE on the first day of school. It must be turned in ON paper IN class. It is worth 100 points, and it will have significant late points deducted if it is not turned in on time. Students new to the district will receive a copy of the summer work on the first day of school. Returning students received this at the end of the school year and were given opportunities via Google Classroom, email, registration, and/or open house to receive extra copies or ask questions if needed.
6 months ago, Amanda Malone
PCMS & PCHS: This is just a reminder that makeup registration for 5th - 12th grade will be tomorrow, August 1st, from 1:00 - 4:00 pm in the auditorium lobby. Any senior or sophomore that has a shirt order may pick them up at this time.
6 months ago, Amanda Malone
PCHS Student Athletes will have an opportunity to get their athletic physicals for the 2024 - 2025 school year tomorrow, Friday, May 17th @ 8:30 am. If your child will be participating in sports and is going to be in 7th - 12th grade next year, this is an opportunity to get their physical done. Physicals will cost $10 cash (please bring exact change), and forms are available at or your student can fill out the form when they get to their scheduled time.
9 months ago, Amanda Malone
Athletic Physicals
PC Senior High Athletic Banquet will be this Thursday, May 16th. Meal: 5:00 - 6:00 in the cafeteria Awards: 6:00 in the auditorium Tickets for the meal are $15 each and can be purchased at the high school office for parents/family members. The meal will be provided for all Senior High Athletes.
9 months ago, Amanda Malone
Athletic banquet
Students in 3rd - 10th grade will be taking the ATLAS Summative Assessments tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday. Please make sure students arrive to school on time, get a good night's rest, and eat a healthy breakfast. Students cannot be checked out during the morning unless there is an emergency. We are excited for our students to show all they have learned this year!
9 months ago, Amanda Malone