Federal Programs Meeting - April 10, 2024
Elementary Library
3:30 PM
You are invited to a meeting to discuss and review our parent and family engagement plan, handbook and federal programs. Any changes the committee recommends will be presented to the Parkers Chapel School Board for final approval before the 2024-25 school year.
Items that will be discussed are:
Parent and Family Engagement Plan District Engagement Plan Elementary Engagement Plan High School Engagement Plan
School District Handbook Student Handbook
Student Services Program Student Services Plan
ARP (American Rescue Plan) & ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) Funds
ARP ESSER Continuity of Operations Plan (Ready for Learning Plan)
Title I, Part A (Improving Programs)
Title II, Part A (Preparing, training and recruiting High Quality Teachers)
Title IV, Part A (Student Support)
Mc Kinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act