Dalton Farris, a seventh grade student at Parkers Chapel, recently competed in the Shoot Your Way Across the Bayou (SYWAB) league championship and the Louisiana Field Archery Association (LFAA) Vegas Indoor State Championship. Dalton placed first in both championships and set a new state record at the LFAA Vegas Indoor State Championship.
SYWAB is a league series that runs from October to January. The championship was held Saturday at Louisiana Downs in Shreveport. To qualify for this event, archers have to shoot in three qualifying tournaments plus a championship tournament. Dalton is in a division called Male Bow Hunter Freestyle that had 16 participants in his division. He placed first overall for the season.
LFAA held its Vegas Indoor State Championship on Sunday at Louisiana Downs. Dalton placed first in this championship and set a new state record. The previous record was 532 and Dalton scored a 536! Dalton shoots an Elite Ember bow, and has practiced many hours to achieve these champion titles. Dalton is a member of the Parkers Chapel Archery team, Slingin Arrows, LFAA, and USA Archery.