PC softball game update

#16 Jacob Hobbs......Homerun. PC 17 - Navada 0, top of the 3rd

PC Baseball Update

PC Baseball vs Navada , score 4-0 PC

PC Softball Update

PC Softball Game @ 4:30 today @ PC hosting Navada County

There will be a PC Booster Club Meeting on Tuesday, October 18th @ 6 PM in the Technology Building.

PC Flu Clinic is on Monday - Oct. 17th. Flu forms are due this Wednesday - Oct. 5th. If you need to pick up or return a Flu Form - please see the High School, Middle School or Elementary Office.

There will be a PC Booster Club Meeting tonight, Sept. 13th @ 6PM in Room #35 of the Tech. Building. Thank you for supporting the PC Booster Club!

The Annual Report to the Public will be presented tonight at 6pm in the Technology Building. Information about the 2015-2016 year will be presented. All community members are invited.

There will be PC Booster Club meeting on Tuesday, 09/13/2016 @ 6 PM in room #35 of the Technology Building.

There will be a PC Booster Club meeting Tuesday, Aug. 30th @ 6:00 PM in room #35 of the Technology Building.

There will be a Parkers Chapel School Board meeting on Friday, July 15th @ Noon in the Technology Building. The agenda for this meeting is posted on our school website.

The Parkers Chapel School Board and Superintendent will hold a town meeting tonight @ 7PM in the cafeteria to address any questions or concerns about the current building project for the campus.

as of now, Wednesday, 03/09, Parkers Chapel School District will have school tomorrow - if this changes - you will be notified.

as of now, Wednesday, 03/09, Parkers Chapel School District will have school tomorrow - if this changes - you will be notified.