The Blue & White Basketball games will be held tonight starting at 5:30 in the gym. Admission is $5 and there will be a silent cake auction in the lobby. The order of the games will be: 7th grade girls, 7th grade boys, junior high girls, junior high boys, senior girls, senior boys.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Fall Picture retakes for Pre-K - 12th grade students will be held on Wednesday, November 2nd.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
The Parkers Chapel High School STEM Department is pleased to announce that they have recently been awarded a $1,500 grant for our Project Lead the Way program. #pcproud
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Red Ribbon Week dress up days for grades 5 - 12! Monday - Twin Day Tuesday - Hawaiian Day Wednesday - Wear Red Day Thursday - Hippie Day Friday - White Out Day
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
From Coach Langley: The Boys’ Basketball Teams are hosting their annual Fan Cloth fundraiser. Please click in the link to place your order for Trojan clothing, etc.
over 2 years ago, Carrie Burson
The Be Pro Be Proud career truck will be in the front high school parking lot Monday, October 17th from 7 am - 2 pm. Please do not use the front high school parking lot for dropping off students. Use the student parking lot for drop offs. The parking lot will be back open for picking up students at 2:30 Monday afternoon.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Lifetouch Homecoming pictures are online. Event - other State - Arkansas City - El Dorado This will get you to the Parkers Chapel page. It is listed as Homecoming 21 - 22 but the date is listed as 10/7/22
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Taylor have applications in their offices for the Life Touch Hospice Kids' Grief Camp. This is a wonderful opportunity for children who have experienced loss. This camp is free but parents must provide transportation either to the Maverick Cowboy Church by 9 am or to Lifetouch by 8:30 am on the day of the camp, Saturday, October 22.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Parent/Teacher conferences will be Tuesday, October 18th from 1:45 - 6:00. School will dismiss at 1:30.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Homecoming Parade Route Info!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Parade Info
This is a reminder that FLU FORMS are due tomorrow. The flu clinic will be held Tuesday, Oct 11. Forms were sent home. They can be found on the school website if you need to print them.
over 2 years ago, Carrie Burson
Homecoming Schedule for Friday, October 7th
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
hoco schedule
The Parkers Chapel Flu Clinic will be held on October 11th. All of the required forms must be filled out to participate. The forms can be found at the link below and copies will be sent home with students.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Flu Clinic
Flu Clinic will be held Tuesday, October 11th. All forms will be sent home soon.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Homecoming Dress up days for middle and high school students!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
dressup days
Today is the last day to sign up for Paint the Town Pink if you wish to receive a T-shirt with your registration / sign-up packet. You may still sign up later if you'd like, however a T-shirt will not be included after today's registration deadline. The link to register is:
over 2 years ago, Carrie Burson
Paint the Town Pink 2022
Balfour will be talking to Juniors and Seniors about class rings and graduation items on Sept. 22nd. Seniors will have their presentation at 9:30 in the auditorium and the Juniors will follow around 10:15. The Balfour orders will be placed on Sept. 30th.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
BUS ROUTE INFO (Mrs. Becky's Route - PC Road): Starting this afternoon, Mrs. Becky's route will be divided and the route will have two drivers for the next few weeks. Mrs. Becky will go down Cambell Rd., take Hinson, and then come up the backside / end of Parkers Chapel Rd. She will begin picking up students at 2065 PC Road and continue loading / unloading until she gets to Union 211. That will be the end of her route. Students from the school to Cody Road / Emma Drive will be riding with Mr. Tracy Swilley for the next few weeks. Parents please be patient and help adjust the time your child "looks" for the bus to load and pay attention to the time they are dropped off. This will change for most of the students. Mr. Tracy will most likely be running about 10 minutes later in the mornings than Mrs. Becky did since it will be a shorter route. We will notify you when we go back to one driver / regular route.
over 2 years ago, Carrie Burson
Please see the attached letter from the nurse regarding annual screenings.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Students in grades 9 - 12 who would like to join the Arkansas Technology Students' Association need to see Mrs. Coffman to sign up. This association is a fun way to learn about STEM and Careers within STEM fields. There are district, state, and national conferences where you will get to meet STEM Mentors, participate in STEM activities, and even Compete at the state and national levels. There is a $20 Membership fee which covers your state and national dues. Again........ 9-12th graders interested in this............... see Mrs. Coffman to sign up.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone