In regards to our earlier post concerning a peanut free campus, PCSD would like to clarify our intention is to further research and develop a policy that ensures all of our student's safety. We ask that our campus be peanut free until those procedures can be developed. A permanent peanut free campus may be necessary, however, we are working to ensure the best policy going forward.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
PEANUT FREE CAMPUS: This year we have several students with peanut allergies that may be life threatening. Parkers Chapel School District will be moving to a peanut free campus. There can be no peanuts, peanut butter, or peanut containing products on campus. Please check product ingredients when packing lunches and / or sending snacks. We appreaciate your help with ensuring that all students are safe while at school.
over 2 years ago, Carrie Burson
Peanut Free Zone
The PC Student Council is pre selling student parking spaces as a fundraiser for students with valid driver’s licenses. For $15 students can claim their spot for the year before school starts. Students can choose to decorate their spot with sidewalk chalk only, if they wish. Times for claiming spots are Thursday, Aug. 18th; Seniors - 12:00-1:00, Juniors - 1:00-2:00, Sophomores - 2:00-3:00. If you miss your time, you may come during one of the other sessions or purchase them at the Blue & White Football game on Thursday night. It will begin at 6:00. Slots will be sold on a first come first serve basis and may not be claimed in advance. Students are not required to purchase a parking spot and will be able to park in the left over spaces that are not reserved. The parking spots will be sold at the school entrance in the high school student parking lot. Please bring a copy of your driver’s license and proof of insurance with you. The parking form link is available for you to print.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Nurse Kaci and Nurse Chasity will be at the school tomorrow evening from 4:30 pm until 6:30 pm for anyone that needs to drop off medical paperwork, medications, epis, or inhalers for the new school year.
over 2 years ago, Carrie Burson
Calling all Trojan fans!! Jr/Sr Blue & White Football game will be Thursday, Aug 18 @ 6:00. This is a Student Council Fundraiser. It will be $3 admission. No Concession Stand, but water will be be sold in the stands.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
PCHS: Any student interested in participating in 7-12 athletics for 2022-2023 school year, physicals are today, August 15th, in the auditorium at 5:30 pm. $10 cash only
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
PC Family STEM Night is HERE! And we are Calling ALL our PC Superheroes!! Come “Unleash Your Superpowers with STEM” by joining us from 5:30 pm – 8: 30 pm tonight at the high school for fun STEM activities, free food and drinks, a Laser Light Show, and a chance for PC students K- 12 to win some great door prizes!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Tomorrow is our big event – PC Family STEM Night for PC students K-12 and their parents from 5:30 to 8:30 PM! You do NOT want to miss out on the fun…………..STEM Activities, free food and drinks, and a Laser Light Show finale!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Our PC Family STEM Night is almost here! Come join us this Thursday from 5:30 to 8:30 PM. We have some great activities, free food and drinks, great door prizes, and a Laser Light Show Finale!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
PC STEM night is this Thursday!! Our finale includes a Laser Light Show by Lockheed Martin! Come see and experience STEM like never before on August 11th from 5:30 to 8:30 PM!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Family STEM Night is this week! Come work with a drone and learn how use a greenscreen for broadcasting and creating videos. We will also be giving away two 3D printers! Free food and drinks will be served!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
There will be an “Active Shooter” drill tomorrow, Aug. 3rd, on campus from 8:00 AM until approximately 4:00 PM. Police will be present. This will only be a drill. We wanted to make the staff, parents, and the community aware of this drill. Scenarios will be discussed and practiced. An assessment of the buildings’ safety will be analyzed. We appreciate your support as we work together to make Parkers Chapel the safest learning environment as we possibly can.
over 2 years ago, Carrie Burson
Our Fantastic PTO Super Heroes are hard at work helping us get ready for our FIRST Family STEM Night! Come Unleash Your Superpowers with Us on August 11th at 5:30 pm!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Registrtion form for 5th - 12th grade
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Family STEM Night is getting closer. Come learn how to work on your superpowers with Photoshop to create unique images and take a tour of new STEM Engineering Lab. We also will have door prizes that include a Voice Controlled Drone and Solar Robots.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Join us for our PC Family STEM Night on August 11 where you can “Unleash Your Superpower with STEM” by working with Robots and learning how to make your own decals. We will also be giving away door prizes that include a Solar Robot and two Apple IPad Airs.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR STEM NIGHT! We will be giving you a sneak peak of the activities over the next couple weeks! Family STEM Night Sneak Peek 3 – Learn how to Create Rockets and use Electrolysis, as well as work with circuits and electricity. Other great door prizes include: a Stunt Drone Quadcopter, a Cricut Explore machine, and a Building Kitwith Animatronics. “Unleash Your Superpower with STEM” at PC!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR STEM NIGHT! We will be giving you a sneak peak of the activities over the next couple weeks! PC Family STEM Night Sneak Peek 2 – Join us and learn how to use Lasers and Engravers, take a tour of an ambulance, and learn CPR. We also have some great door prizes including two Apple ipads, two programable mechanical robot Coding Kits, and two Meta Quest Oculus Virtual Reality headsets. Come “Unleash Your Superpower with STEM” on August 11 th !
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR STEM NIGHT! We will be giving you a sneak peak of the activities over the next couple weeks! PC Family STEM Night Sneak Peek 1 – STEM Activities include Defying Gravity with Magnets and Dancing to the Beat with Oobleck. Some of our door prizes include two Touchscreen Chromebooks, two 3D Printing Pens, two Yoga Touchscreen Notebooks, and a Quadcopter Drone. Join us for the fun on August 11 th and “Unleash Your Superpower with STEM!”
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone
Parkers Chapel Parents, The Free & Reduced Meal Application is now online. It can be accessed from the Parkers Chapel Website/Phone App. It will also be in every child’s open house packet. Parkers Chapel wants to let families know that the federal USDA waiver that allowed schools to feed students free expired June 30, 2022. The USDA did not extend it for school year 2022-2023. We are urging families that qualify to fill out an application so services can start as soon as possible. Families that do not qualify for free or reduced lunches will have to pay regular lunch prices this year. To access the application, visit: For information and FAQ’s visit:
over 2 years ago, Amanda Malone